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Autographed books by Júlia Pinheiro e João Paulo Rodrigues
€25.00 $25.08 approx.
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Charity auction of two autographed books by Júlia Pinheiro e João Paulo Rodrigues, very well-known TV presenters in Portugal to support Pipinho.

Filipe Ferreira - Pipinho as family and friends affectionately call him - is 10 years old. He lives in Vila Nova de Gaia with his parents and sister. He has a rare disease, called Norrie syndrome, which limits his ability to see, speak and walk.

In this sense, each week costs the Ferreira family €440 in medical bills for Filipe:

€ 60 x 6 days a week = € 360 Intensive Therapy
€ 40 x 2 days per week = € 80 Speech Therapy
€ 30 x 1 day per week = 30 € Occupational Therapy

Proceeds support Filipe`s treatments that are essential for improving the quality of life of this child.

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