The Homeopathy Bible
Entertainment Books & Magazines
€12.00 $12.04 approx.


“Like cures like” is a natural principle first expounded by Hippocrates, the ancient founder of medicine. Centuries later, inspired by that idea, German physician Samuel Hahnemann found that some of the very substances that cause illness could also be used as cures—a discovery that led to the holistic healing system known as homeopathy. And the procedures he developed keep growing in popularity. Those who want to understand and apply homeopathy now have a comprehensive and authoritative reference that recounts its history, explains its enlightened principles, and—best of all—includes a full A-to-Z encyclopedia of remedies. So it’s simple to find safe, dependable treatments for colds, digestive ailments, skin irritation, sensory and nervous complaints, and many other diseases and conditions

Table of Contents:

Part One.
Introduction. What is homeopathy?. The history of homeopathy?. The law of similars. Vital force. Differentiating systems. Case studies. Homeopathic dilutions. Homeopathic aggravation. Homeopathy and conventional medicine. The practice of homeopathy. Genetic predisposition. Identifying the five miasms. How to choose a remedy. How to take a remedy. Contraindications. Keeping healthy. Avoiding common illnesses.

Part Two. Homeopathic materia medica. Understanding the materia medica. First-Aid remedies. Essential remedies. The materia medica.

Part Three. Treating acute and chronic conditions. How to self-prescribe. Circulatory and respiratory systems. Digestive system. Musculoskeletal system. Sensory and nervous systems. Skin. Moods and emotions. Reproductive system, pregnancy. Babies, children and immune system problems.

Part Four. Support therapies and essences. Cell salts. Flower essences. Hormonal remedies. Colour remedies. Gemo therapy. Gem elixire.

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